Wallet Balance Calculation

Your wallet balance on the XpressBoost platform is calculated based on various transactions related to your account. The balance reflects the total amount you can use for boosting ads and other platform activities. Below are the components that contribute to your wallet balance:

  • Total Recharge: This is the sum of all successful recharge transactions that you have made to your wallet. Each recharge adds to your balance.
  • Total Earnings: This includes the sum of all earnings you have received for engaging with content on the platform. Only approved earnings contribute to your wallet balance.
  • Total Earnings Held: Earnings that are pending approval will not be included in your wallet balance until they are approved.
  • Total Earnings Reversed: If any of your previously approved earnings are reversed (due to a dispute or rejection), this amount is deducted from your balance.
  • Total Withdrawals: This is the sum of all approved withdrawal requests from your wallet. Each withdrawal reduces your balance.
  • Total Spending: Any amounts spent on boosting ads or other purchases on the platform are deducted from your balance.
  • Total Spending Held: Similar to earnings, if there are any spending transactions that are pending approval, they are not deducted from your balance until they are approved.

Based on these components, your wallet balance is calculated using the following formula:

Wallet Balance = (Total Recharge + Total Earnings) – (Total Earnings Reversed + Total Withdrawals + Total Spending + Total Spending Held)

On-Hold Balance: Additionally, the on-hold balance reflects the total of any pending earnings and spending transactions:

On-Hold Balance = Total Spending Held + Total Earnings Held

This systematic approach ensures transparency and accuracy in your account transactions, allowing you to track your funds effectively. If you have any questions regarding your wallet balance or transactions, please reach out to our support team for assistance.

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